Spinal Decompression Therapy

“We Make Spinal Decompression Therapy Treatment Affordable"

spinal decompression therapy

Have you been experiencing back, neck or joint pain for some time & you are not sure why? Does regular movement create discomfort limiting your daily routines? Many people have developed back, neck & joint issues over the years due to poor posture, negative habits or injuries. Fortunately, we have proven solutions that help your body heal.

Swank Chiropractic Sports Medicine in Cary, NC, led by Dr. Abigail Swank, Dr. Parker Neill, & Dr. Timothy Swank, has helped individuals & families with their health & injuries for years. We have helped athletes get back on the field with chiropractic sports medicine. Don' let the name fool you though, we offer chiropractic care & other services to non-athletes as well. Plus, we offer safe, effective & affordable non-surgical spinal decompression therapy for slipped, bulging or herniated discs.

What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?
We offer Triton DTS spinal decompression therapy. This FDA cleared device is an effective treatment for sciatica or herniated, bulging discs that eliminates the need for invasive back surgery or addictive drugs. Utilizing a sophisticated computerized motorized traction, this non-surgical modality reduces pressure on spinal nerves from intervertebral discs; which are jelly like cushions in-between vertebrae. By creating a vacuum or "unloading" effect, disc bulges & herniations retract and reduce in size.

How Can I Benefit from This?
Degenerative spinal conditions create many detrimental effects. Fortunately, Triton DTS promotes disc hydration & nutrition by pushing nutrient rich fluid back into the disc. Decompression also stimulates blood supply into surrounding tissue & enhances healing. The result? Nerve pressure is reduced & you experience a reduction in pain & symptoms. Plus, spinal decompression therapy is an effective, comfortable, non-painful treatment. As you progress; your Cary, NC doctors will prescribe a physiotherapy plan to rebuild your strength & flexibility.

If you have been suffering from back, neck or joint problems, look to us for the answers you need. Swank Chiropractic Sports Medicine in Cary, NC, led by both Dr. Swanks & Dr. Neill will provide expert consultation on solutions & our team is always willing to help you with any questions that you may have. Give us a call today at 919-460-6098 to schedule your appointment. We look forward to working with you & helping you improve your health.

What is the benefit of this vacuum effect?

The vacuum effect accomplishes two things. From a mechanical standpoint, disc material that has protruded or herniated outside the normal confines of the disc may be pulled back within the disc by the vacuum created within the disc. Also, this vacuum within the disc stimulates growth of blood supply, secondarily stimulating a healing response. This results in pain reduction and proper healing at the injured site.

compressed disc healthy disc

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7:30 am - 12:00 pm



